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lord is my shepherd
虽然行过死荫的山谷  detail>>
the lord s my shepherd
上帝是我牧人  detail>>
the lord’s my shepherd
上帝是我的牧人  detail>>
the lord shepherd
谢泼德勋爵  detail>>
my lord
启奏大王 尊敬的阁下, 老爷  detail>>
long live my lord
大王万岁万岁万万岁  detail>>
my sweet lord
我的快乐上帝 我亲爱的上帝 我甜蜜的上帝  detail>>
the lord is my shepard
上帝是我的牧主  detail>>
the lord is my shephard
他就是我的领路人  detail>>
welcome my lord
欢迎您的到来  detail>>
yes, my lord is right
是啊,大王说得对  detail>>
take my hand,preclous lord
上帝请抓住我的手  detail>>
a shepherd
一个牧羊人  detail>>
 n.  1.牧羊人;牧羊者。 2.牧羊狗[犬] (=shepherd dog)。 3.牧师。 4.保护者;指导者。  ...  detail>>
shepherd is
谢泼德群岛  detail>>
cause my lord has conquered the grave
只因我主已得着胜利  detail>>
i will give lt to the lord my self
我亲自交给上帝  detail>>
my lord was a great believer until now
帮主笃信命理一生,如今竟然不信-----《风云雄霸天下》  detail>>